Simon Scientific

Simon Scientific provides a broad range of scientific consulting services.  At this time, Simon Scientific is a sole proprietorship owned by Dr. Simon J. George and based in the San Francisco Bay Area.  We combine scientific and technical expertise to perform specialized measurements using spectroscopy.  We also as design and implement novel spectroscopic instrumentation and applications. 

We are currently working with a diverse range of clients ranging from major chemical companies to universities and small businesses.  We are also performing some collaborative research.  Much of our work is confidential.

Simon also is involved with the development of software tools for spectroscopic and related analysis.  These are normally distributed free, where possible as an open source project.

Scientific and technical expertise:

•  Inorganic, physical and biological chemistry

•  X-ray spectroscopies (XANES, EXAFS, X-ray fluorescence and the “soft” X-ray region)

•  Infra-red and other vibrational spectroscopies

•  Synchrotron radiation

•  Chemical kinetics

•  Software development for data analysis and instrument control 

Services include:

•  Finding the best approach to solving your problems with the available resources

•  Writing and assisting with funding proposals

•  Designing measurement protocols and experiments

•  Performing measurements and analyzing data

•  Designing algorithms for and writing software for data analysis

•  Accessing resources such as synchrotron radiation facilities

•  Designing and building instrumentation

•  Writing control software


We are always happy to discuss new opportunities to work with clients.  Please contact us here.

Science by Simon Scientific

Simon Scientific

PO Box 71204

Richmond  CA 94807-1204


+1 (530) 794-8035‬

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Latest Update: 26 January 2024 

Page maintained by Simon J. George (